
Rendering 3D content into Android Views


  • ViroViewARCore, ViroViewScene, ViroViewScene, ViroViewScene links to docs

ViroView is the entry-point for Viro applications. Viro renders all 3D content to ViroView, which inherits from the standard android.view.View. There are four types of ViroView at your disposal, each corresponding to the underlying platform you wish to target:

  • ViroViewARCore renders augmented reality content using Google's ARCore library for AR tracking. For more information on writing AR applications, see the Augmented Reality (AR) guide.

  • ViroViewScene renders content directly to an Android View, for applications that want 3D rendering without any AR or VR.

  • ViroViewScene renders content in stereo for virtual reality applications using Google's GVR SDK. This supports Google Cardboard and Google Daydream.

  • ViroViewScene renders content in stereo for virtual reality applications using Facebook's Oculus Mobile SDK. This supports Samsung Gear and similar devices.

To get started creating 3D content, create a Scene and add it to your View, then add your View to the Android View hierarchy.